Empower Your
Mind, Soul and Body
Stop emotional breakdowns, non-stop anxiety, stress and sleepless nights
Life moves fast. We’re constantly bombarded with information, demands, and expectations. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, as if nothing we do is ever quite enough. We absorb these pressures, making them part of our reality, our identity — until stress, anxiety, and exhaustion take over.
If everything were in balance, we would sleep well, wake up refreshed, and feel ready for the day ahead. We would enjoy life more, feel content in our relationships, and have a sense of fulfilment. But when our minds are racing — worrying about finances, careers, family, or feeling like something is missing —it is easy to believe we are stuck, searching for answers outside ourselves.
Many of us simply feel lonely, not necessarily alone though. We feel lonely with our issues, with our worry or problems. Many perimenopausal woman does not even know they are perimenopausal, or what to expect when it hits them. Many of us feel lonely in relationships, lost in what they are supposed to mean, and in what everyone in the family wants and needs. Many of us feel lonely in our careers, even when we are most successful.
More people are single now than ever before; loneliness is a pandemic in its own wright. But the two are not related! They are not the same and you must feel this too, even in a world that often equates happiness with relationships and success. Let’s embrace ourselves as we are - single, but never lonely. Through Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH/HypnoCBT), I can help you find your centre and build inner resilience. Using scientifically proven CBT-based techniques, we will empower and fast-track it with hypnosis, working together to restore balance, reconnect with your body and mind, and make the changes you need to feel like yourself again.
Find Your Balance with Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and book your free introductory call!
Symptoms we can work together on:
Life sometimes seem to get out of our hands and instead of sleeping sweetly and recharging our body and mind, we toss and turn restlessly during the nights.
Let’s get you sleeping better which in turn will generate a more positive outlook on all aspects of your Life.
There are times when our mind is on overload and we worry about not just what is, but what could or should be; emotions have their own life for no apparent reason.
We can work together to learn different relaxation techniques that you can use in situations not just in quiet times.
Hot/Cold Flash
Cold/hot flashes can strike at the most inconvenient times, without any notice, disregarding circumstances. Which temperature should you dress for?
We can work together so you can manage the sensation and ensure you are controlling your own body temperature.
Life is full of stressful situations, but especially in our 30s and 40s things seem to change rapidly not just at work but in our personal life, might all can feel out of hand.
We can work together to have you navigating these stressful situations while keeping you balanced and confident.
Mood swings
Your mood is going from one extreme to another in seconds and does not seem to give you any break to breath. You might hide this as even you do not understand or can follow.
We can work together to see you through these extremes with techniques to stay more in the balanced part of Life.
Smoking Cessation
You might think smoking is just a habit, but without noticing, it can take control over your life.
We can work together and see you finally break free from this habit and make you life smoke free.