Buteyko Smart Belt

The Buteyko Smart Belt gives you continuous feedback on your breathing; alerting you whenever you are taking a deeper breath than it is healthy. It is a private breathing instructor, never letting you down!

For the healthier You!

This revolutionary product is available first time in the UK in the year when Prof. Dr. Buteyko would be 100 year old! This product celebrates him the best way, to enable you to perfect your own breathing and take ownership over your own health.

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Buteyko Smart Belt Buteyko Smart Belt
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Learn from the inventor himself

Gyula lives in Hungary and his mission is to spread the benefit of Buteyko Breathing. He does not stop with tirelessly teaching and coaching, he felt the need something more, and that is how The Buteyko Smart Belt is born.


Here you can view a short animation of how the belt is working with your breathing.

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