We are, where we are

We need to understand that nothing, nothing outside of us can make us complete, or even feel consistently complete. No job, no partner, no children, no perfect parents, or family can define us and deem us complete. There is nobody and nothing outside that creates the balance, or the love that has always been inside of us. Sadly, however, everything outside influences, alters, and skews it. It even tries to change it.

How do we withstand all that bombards us every moment, all that has conditioned us in the past and continues to condition us to new things every day, so much so that we feel we have lost ourselves? We have hard time to find the path back to us, what really and truly define us. So much noise, so many distractions, that we do not even know how to stay still, to be quiet and to listen. How to let inspiration to come, how to hear our own inner voice, which does not berate us, nor calls us names, but instead supports us, is our best friend, our biggest cheerleader and loves us unconditionally. How can we give, when we do not know what we can give, what our essence is?

Social expectations, parental guidance, and our education are said to uncover the gem within the rock crystal that we are. But what if it is the complete opposite? What if we are perfect as we are when we are born? We may smooth our edges as we go through life, but what if all that external influence is simply trying to make us conform? To look the same, speak the same, behave the same, know the same. Instead of being the beautiful, unique, precious stones we truly are, we end up broken, losing our shine, or becoming one of a few standard styles – brilliant, cushion, emerald, or princess cut. We conform to these patterns, and someone comes along with a loupe and judges our worth, because we might not be as pure or as shiny as others. We might be more cracked than others, or we might be smaller. But what if we were perfect from the moment we were born, with our own unique qualities?

What if we simply said, “It is enough”? What if we said, “We are amazing, we are unique”? What if we found our own voice? What if we stopped berating ourselves for comparing ourselves to others? What if we stopped agreeing with those who measure us, compare us, and limit us? What if we accepted that we are where we are, not where we think we should or should not be? What if we understood that everyone has the same 24 hours a day as we do? We are equal in possibilities and options; we are equal in the space of time. And the only thing that matters is how we immerse ourselves in those 24 hours. How our attitude enables possibilities to turn into opportunities, how our attention and focus allow opportunities to become choices, and how our dedication and perseverance transform those choices into achievements.

Let’s find our own Source of Power and shed the suffocating blanket of conditioning. You are enough. You are unique. You are one of a kind.


Self-Care and Self-Compassion in Practice


When emotions are out of control